Catholic Diocese Malindi

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✝️ REFLECTION CAPSULE – June 12, 2024: Wednesday

"Making efforts to grow into convinced and certain and confident Christians!"

(Based on 1 Kgs 18:20-39 and Mt 5:17-19 - Wednesday of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time

A university student was seen with a large "K" printed on his T- shirt.

When someone asked him what the "K" stood for, he said, "Confused."

"But," the questioner replied, "you don't spell "confused" with a "K!”

The student answered, "Well, you don't know how confused I am!"

The confused state of mind led be the boy to display a perplexed and puzzled look!

How often is this true in our own lives as Christians…

We fail to have certain convictions in our faith…
… and the resultant life that is displayed outside, is one of confusion or uncertainty.
We fail to be sure of what our life of faith is…
… and as a result, we fail to bring people to experience God's love and instead, sometimes even lead others astray.

The Gospel of the Day is a peek into the conviction that Jesus had in His life of preaching and mission…
… and a challenge for us to become persons who become fervent and convinced in teaching the commandments of the Kingdom of God.

The Gospel is a continuation of the Sermon on the Mount.

Jesus says, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfil" (Mt 5: 17)

One of the distinguishing features in the preaching and teaching ministry of Jesus was His deep conviction and certainty.

Jesus did not speak as if He was blabbering on some unknown topic.

Jesus did not mutter words as if He was whiling away time to talk on a strange issue.

Instead, Jesus was thoroughly convinced of what He spoke and taught.

It was this deep-seated conviction that made Him say that He had "come not to abolish the law or the prophets".

The message of Jesus contained newness and freshness.

However, it was not a preaching that was entirely new

It was a teaching that was born in deep certainty and delivered with utmost conviction.

He was the fullness of the teachings of all the Law.
He was the fulfilment of the prophecies of all the Prophets.
This gave it a fresh crispiness.
This gave it a refreshing perspective.

Do we also possess a similar conviction and certainty in our Life of Faith, just as Jesus displayed?

The Lord demands such a requirement.

Hence, He would say, that "whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so, will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven" (Mt 5: 19)

Our Christian lives are sometimes marked by unwarranted uncertainties and confusing convictions.

We know a little bit about our faith…
… but not deep enough.
We know a little bit concerning our teachings…
… but not in its depth.
We know a little bit about the virtues we are to live…
… but not fully convinced of it.

As a result of this 'unsure' attitude and 'confused' mentality, we are unable to
… (1) live a true and honest Christian lives
… (2) witness and teach others our genuine faith

The First Book of Kings recounts (1 Kgs 18:20-39) the awe-inspiring incident of God - the Awesome Lord - displaying His Mighty Power to the people…
… as a testimony to the spectacular demonstration of faith and conviction of Elijah, as he challenged the false prophets!

When we display deep faith and conviction, God manifests His amazing power to His people.

Let us not remain confused Christians; rather experience the love and mercy of the Lord…
… and make efforts to growing into convinced and certain and confident Christians!

God Bless! Live Jesus!