The vision of Catholic Diocese of Malindi is “That all creation may have life and have it to the full “

The mission is "Building a Christian community that promotes dignity and peaceful coexistence among all people”.

The Catholic Diocese of Malindi secretariat is organized in Commissions. Caritas is one of the commissions charged with promotion of integral human development.

So, it’s mission is to support pastoral work through social development work by responding and attending to social, economic, political and cultural needs based on Catholic Social Teachings using the principles of hope, faith, and love through collaboration with other willing and like-mined stakeholders to achieve human development in light of morality, equity, transparency, accountability, justice and truth.

Caritas goal is to endeavour to empower people economically / socially to enable them work hard to sustain themselves and live to their full potential in a just community. Caritas Malindi responds to the following objectives:

  1. In partnership design and implement responsive programs / projects responding to emerging economic and social issues / concerns
  2. To promote accessibility and acquisition of wholistic and quality education for sustainable social life
  3. With like-minded partners / collaborators have policies, programs, actively addressing societal equalities (political / social / economical / cultural disparities)

Since the diocese was created in June 2000, Caritas Commission has implemented the following programs / projects: Micro Finance – SILC & Micro Credit, Aids Population Health Integrated Assistance (APHIA), Water and Sanitation (WATSAN), Drought Restoration, Food Relief & Food security, Dialogue and Action, Malindi Asset Based Community-driven Development (ABCD) and COVID-19 Relief.