Catholic Diocese Malindi

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The Essence of the Most Holy Trinity

“All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19–20

Of all the great feasts we celebrate within the Church throughout the year, today’s Solemnity presents us with a Mystery that is so deep and transcendent that our eternity will be spent in perpetual contemplation. The Trinity, the life of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, will never get old, never be fully understood, and will be the cause of our everlasting adoration and joy. Though the Church has used philosophical concepts to explain the Trinity, no human concept or description will ever fully explain Who God is. Though we can point to some general truths about God, we will never be able to fully depict the inner essence, depth, beauty and omnipotence of the Trinity.

As we consider that fact, it’s important to understand that the Trinity is not first a theological mystery we try to define. Rather, the Trinity is first a communion of Persons we are invited to know. We do not primarily come to know God through intellectual deduction. We come to know God through prayerful union with Him. Though theology is exceptionally useful and important, the essence of God is beyond any and every philosophical concept we can define.

The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are Persons. And as Persons, they want to be known. And they want to be known primarily through a life of deep and intimate prayer. Praying to One Person, of course, is praying to all, since they are One God. But we are, nonetheless, called to a relationship of love with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. And though our feeble minds may not be able to fully comprehend the essence of God, He will draw us deeper and deeper into a knowledge of Him if we let Him.

Prayer often begins by saying prayers, by meditating upon Scripture, and by listening. But true prayer is something much deeper. True prayer is contemplative prayer that ultimately leads to divine union. Only God can initiate this form of prayer in our lives, and only God, through this deep form of prayer, can communicate Himself to us as He is. Some of the greatest mystics of our Church, such as Saint John of the Cross and Saint Teresa of Ávila, explain in their mystical theology that the deepest knowledge of God does not come through concepts or images. In fact, if we wish to obtain a knowledge of God in His essence, we must allow Him to purge every concept of Who He is so that the pure light of His essence can be poured forth upon our minds. This knowledge, they say, is beyond knowing “about” God. It’s the beginning of a knowledge “of” God.

Reflect, today, upon the Most Holy Trinity. As you do, say a prayer to God asking for a deeper and more intimate knowledge of Him. Ask Him to communicate to you His divine love and to open your mind and heart to a deeper understanding of Who He is. Try to humble yourself before the great Mystery of the inner life of God. Humility before the Mystery of God means that we know how little we know about Him and how little we know of Him. But that humble truth will help you move closer to the deeper relationship of love to which you are called.

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, please draw me into a relationship of love with You Who are one God and three divine Persons. May the mystery and beauty of Your life become more known and loved by me each day through the gift of transforming mystical prayer. Jesus, I trust in You.


“Joyfully exclaiming the Awesomeness of our Triune God and His Splendour!”

A family was visiting an art museum.

As they went around with much amazement, excitement and wonder, they came to a famous painting titled “Wheatfield under the clouded sky”

This painting was by Vincent van Gogh – a Dutch painter – a very influential personality in the history of Western art.

He had created about 2,100 artworks, including around 860 oil paintings -of landscapes, still lives, portraits and self-portraits

As the children gazed in admiration at this classical painting, the mother of the family, exclaimed: “If this work of art, that portrays the beauty of nature, makes us acclaim so much…
… how much more is the Beauty, Power and Goodness of the God Who has created all of this nature!”

And with a great sense of gratitude and appreciation to the Awesomeness of God, she went on to say:
“God writes with a pen that never blots…
… speaks with a tongue that never slips
… and acts with a hand that never fails!”

Yes, our God is an awesome God!

And the entire world – all of nature – beautifully sings forth the glory and splendour of God, Who is in total charge!

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is a beautiful day to dwell on the Awesomeness of God and the Mystery of His Splendour…
… and to live this mystery by doing everything for God’s Glory and being united as one family of God!

At the heart of the Mystery of the Trinity are three fundamental truths:

The Oneness of God: God is One
The Equality of the Three Persons: The Father is God, the Son is God, the Spirit is God
The Distinctiveness of the Three Persons: The Father is not the Son and the Spirit; the Son is not the Father and the Spirit; the Spirit is not the Son and the Father.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches: “The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life.

It is the mystery of God in himself.
It is therefore the source of all the other mysteries of faith, the light that enlightens them. It is the most fundamental and essential teaching in the “hierarchy of the truths of faith” (CCC, #234)

This Feast is an invitation to understand that at the core and depth of everything in our life – is the mystery of the Trinity!

The history of the world… salvation history… our personal history…
The Liturgy… the Sacraments…our prayers…
… all of them are encompassed by the life and mystery of the Trinity!

This points to the tremendous fact that our Triune God is in total charge and control of everything in our life
… that God is in perfect sovereignty and power!

We are sometimes prone to a lot of strategies and planning.

When things don’t turn out the way we have planned, we get worried and anxious.
When situations don’t fall in line with what we envisaged, we get tensed and upset!
But, today our Triune God tells: “I am in total control!”

When my life seems to be in a complete mess and nothing is understood by us, God says, “I am in total control”

When circumstances around me go haywire and I lose control of things, God says, “I am in total control”

St Paul tells us: “So we are always of good courage; we know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord…
… for we walk by faith, not by sight!” (2 Cor 5:6-7)

This is not to say that we need to be passive or lethargic in life

This is not to say that we need to be casual or lazy in life

It is not even to say that we should not have plans and strategies
But this is a great reminder to know and realise that our Triune God is the Ultimate Master of our lives, and His providence protects us!!

There are no accidents or no “by chance” happenings for a believer!

Everything finds its place, in the Permissive Will of the Lord!

Do I trust in Him to lead me from darkness to light?
Do I believe in Him to lead me from depressing moments to joy?
Do I have faith in Him to lead me from confusing moments to clarity?

The Life of the Trinity is also a call…
… to build our families and communities in love
… to reach out to the other, through self-giving and self-emptying

As we gaze at the “large canvas of miracles” that we experience every day and every moment of our life…
… let us joyfully exclaim the Awesomeness of our Triune God and His Splendour, by confessing: “God writes with a pen that never blots…
… speaks with a tongue that never slips
… and acts with a hand that never fails!”

Yes, in all what we think, in all what we say, and in all what we do…
… let all Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, Amen!

Happy Feast of the Most Blessed Trinity!

God Bless! Live Jesus!