Catholic Diocese Malindi

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The Catholic Congregants of Saint Charles Lwanga, Muyeye Parish, recieved a traing on CHILD SAFEGUARDING and CHILD PROTECTION which was sponsored by the JESUITS.

The event, which took off on Saturday 19th to 21st October 2024 drew close to more than 70 attendees, focused on educating the community about protecting children from abuse and exploitation. The seminar aimed to equip participants with practical tools to ensure the safety and well-being of children.

Child Safeguarding is set of policies, procedures and practices employed to actively prevent harm, abuse and distress of children. Every child in this world has the right to live free from violence, exploitation and abuse. Children experience different forms of violence, exploitation and abuse. It happens in every country, and in the places children should be most protected – their homes, schools and communities. A child can be abused Physically, Sexually, emotionally or neglected.

We all have a major responsibility of making sure that every child is protected. We also have to report every incident of child abuse that we witness.  WHEN YOU SEE IT SAY IT! WHEN YOU HEAR IT SAY IT! WHEN YOU SUSPECT IT SAY IT! 

The event marked a significant milestone for the Parish and the Diocese, reinforcing the community’s commitment to child safety. The JESUIT organization emphasized their dedication to supporting similar initiatives in the future, fostering collaboration with local leaders and institutions.

The parish priest Father Sosthenes Luyembe  expressed his joy adding that, it is just a stepping stone. He emphasized on the ipmortance of practicing what was taught during the three days seminar.

All the Trainees were awarded with certificates at the end of the training.