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*Sunday 19th May 2024 Daily Reflection and Meditation*
_Come, come Holy Spirit_
*Good morning and happy solemnity of the Pentecost*
Pentecost marks the beginning of the Church. On this day we pray for the special gifts of the Holy Spirit to be prevalent in her Church. He is the spirit and life of the Church. The voice of God works well in our hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit that we receive through the Church on different occassions, but more so on the day of Pentecost.

May we belong to God entirely in all that we do in our lives.
_Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful with many gifts, so that we may be true Christians. Amen_
*Happy feast once more.*
*Pentecoste, the Birthday of Church: And they were all filled by the Holy Spirit*
_Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” John 20:21–23_
*Readings: Acts 2:1-11. Galatians 5: 16-25. John 15: 26-27, 16: 12-15.*
Today we celebrate Pentecost, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It is the "birthday of the Church."

On that first Pentecost, fifty days after Easter, the disciples were gathered in one place. They were still grappling with the enormity of Christ’s resurrection and the command to spread His message. Suddenly, a sound like a mighty rushing wind filled the house, and tongues of fire rested upon each of them. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages of which those present from different parts of the world could hear and understand. The Holy Spirit united them all, hearing the same message.

This event was extraordinary not just because of the dramatic signs but because of what they symbolized and accomplished. The wind and fire were manifestations of God's power and presence, reminiscent of God's appearances in the Old Testament. Wind represented the breath of God bringing new life, and fire signified the purifying and empowering presence of God.

Filled with the Holy Spirit, the disciples started speaking in various languages, allowing people from diverse backgrounds to hear the message of God in their own tongues. This wasn't a random miracle but a profound statement about the universality of the Gospel. The barriers of language and culture were broken down, indicating that the message of Christ is for everyone, regardless of their background. There were neither dinkas, kawajas nor jurs..but rather one people.

The reactions of the crowd were mixed—some were amazed and perplexed, while others mocked, suggesting the disciples were drunk. This is a common human response to divine intervention—astonishment mingled with skepticism. Yet, Peter stood up and clarified that this was the fulfillment of God's promise through the prophet Joel: God’s Spirit would be poured out on all people, empowering them to prophesy, see visions, and dream dreams.

This outpouring of the Holy Spirit marked a new era, a new beginning. it was the beginning of the Church. The disciples, once fearful and uncertain, were now bold and articulate witnesses of Christ. The same Spirit who descended upon them continues to work in the Church today, guiding, empowering, and uniting us in our mission.

Pentecost reminds us that the Holy Spirit is still active, calling us to go beyond our comfort zones, to reach out to those who are different from us, and to proclaim the Gospel with our lives. The Spirit equips us with diverse gifts, not for our own glory, but to build up the body of Christ and to serve the world. We are a one people of Christ and we are to get reconciled with one another, eliminating all our differences of tribe, ethnicity, race, social status, of clan, state, country etc.

As we celebrate this great feast, let us open our hearts to the Holy Spirit, asking to be renewed and emboldened in our faith. May we, like the apostles, become courageous witnesses to God’s love and power, spreading the Good News in our words and actions.

In a world that often seems divided and fractured, the message of Pentecost is particularly relevant. The Holy Spirit unites us, transcending our differences and making us one in Christ. Let us embrace this unity and live as true disciples, filled with the Spirit, and eager to share God’s love with everyone we meet.

*Prayer:* _Lord, You promised to send the Holy Spirit upon us to lead us into all Truth and to reconcile us to the Father. You were faithful to that promise at Pentecost and now continuously bestow the Holy Spirit upon all who believe. Holy Spirit, please come upon me, especially by forgiving my sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and by filling me with Your sevenfold Gifts. Amen._
*Happy feast of Pentecost to all of you*

_Rev Fr Francis Wambua, SJ_
*Jesuits in South Sudan*