Catholic Diocese Malindi

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The objective of the workshop was to discuss the state of the national and county economies in light of the emerging scenario and political stand-off building up in the country due to the rising cost of living, new and punitive taxes and lack of accountability by both national and county governments on how funds were being utilized. Many Kenyans, particularly the youth, were bearing the brunt of the rising cost of living as most were not gainfully employed. Many were becoming desperate and could easily be manipulated by selfish leaders to cause chaos which could be detrimental to peace and cohesion in the country.

Among the emerging issues from the workshop was that the root cause of lack of peace and presence of insecurity in Kenya is competition for resources or lack of access to resources. It also emerged that a lot of public resources in Kenya were being misappropriated at both levels of government. Most of the resources were being diverted to functions not budgeted for in total disregard of policy and procedures. Despite reports being available online showing how public offices were misappropriating funds, many Kenyans did not know how to access them. They also did not know how they could effectively participate in the planning and budget making processes to ensure that proposed projects were only those that would benefit them. As long as funds would continue to be misappropriated, the cost of living would keep rising and government would keep raising taxes to cover the deficit thereby created.

The Church has an important and privileged role to speak out against misappropriation of public resources by the national and county governments. It also has an opportunity to carry out civic education to empower the society on public finance and how they can participate in planning and checking their county governments over misuse of funds allocated for development in their respective counties. The Church must utilize the space it has to speak out and transform the value system in the country which was lacking. Without values, those entrusted with public funds did not have any qualms in diverting them to personal use at the expense of the common good. The Church should utilize the God-given opportunity for positive transformation of the society.

There was need for KCCB to give priority to checking the county governments as their functions affected the people more. It is where most competition for resources was happening and where conflict over resources was most likely to flare up. If wastage in government was controlled, there would be enough resources to support many of the public projects and ensure that Kenyans attain a comfortable standard of living. It would stimulate growth of the key drivers of the economy, creating employment and investment opportunities for most of the population, reducing conflict and guaranteeing peace and cohesion in the country.

Existing scenario

  • Most county governments had not received funds from the national treasury for their operations which had ground to a halt.
  • There were proposals to raise taxes on electricity which could create a ripple effect on the productive sectors through increased prices of essential commodities
  • After much optimism with the newly elected government to transform the economy of the country, many Kenyans had resigned to fate with no tangible action seen from the Kenya Kwanza regime to lower the cost of living, especially reducing the prices of basic food items. A people resigned to their fate had nothing to lose and were easily excitable by anyone with political ambitions particularly those of a revolutionary nature.

Recommended actions necessary to check on government

  • There is need to partner with the Office of the Auditor General to sensitize the people through civic education forums at the grassroots community level. County specific forums would be ideal for sensitizing the people with staff from the office of the Auditor General as resource persons.
  • The people should be taken to the project sites where there are queries on use of public resources so they can ask questions and learn.
  • There is need to print abridged reports of the Auditor General and share with members of the community to build their awareness levels.
  • There is need to make use of the media, particularly church radios to sensitize the people on public finance and the budget making process.
  • There is need to submit petitions to the National Assembly and the County Assemblies for action by these oversight offices.
  • There is need for KCCB to develop innovative platforms for distribution of audit reports.
  • Empower the people that whenever they suspected misappropriation of resources, they should blow the whistle by alerting the media because the media has a good agenda setting platform.
  • KCCB, through the interreligious forums such as the Dialogue Reference Group (DRG) and the County Dialogue Reference Groups (CDRGs) to lobby for accountability on use of public funds and that decisive action is taken over those found culpable of misappropriation of the same at both the country and national government level.
  • Involvement of religious groups must go beyond offering prayers at the beginning of public events. They must utilize the space that God has given them to bring government to account.
  • Regular capacity enhancement for the CJPD commissioners will empower them to create platforms for checks and balances for both governments on public finance matters to ensure service delivery.