Catholic Diocese Malindi

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REFLECTION CAPSULES – June 21, 2023: Wednesday

“Doing away with the ‘gadgets of our self-wills’ and beginning
“Doing away with the ‘gadgets of our self-wills’ and beginning to really re-charge ourselves with doing God’s Will!”

(Based on 2 Cor 9:6-11 and Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 - Wednesday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time, Year 1)

An Italian newspaper carried a news story about a young couple in Milan who seemed particularly devoted in their worship.

The priest at a Cathedral reported that the pair spent an hour or more on a regular basis…
… sitting before a statue of the Virgin Mary.

But shockingly…
… it turned out, that they were not really praying!

This young couple was recharging their cell phone!

They had noticed a stray electric cable sticking out of the wall…
… behind the statue of the Virgin Mary.

Whenever their phone's power supply dwindled, the young couple came to the church and re-charged it!

What looked like an act of piety, was actually a self-serving ploy!

Maybe, we are much shocked by this act…

But how about us?
Do we indulge ourselves into similar acts?
… claiming to be praying – but without true devotion or only for “transient gains and desires”
… claiming to be abstaining – but without a sense of joy and reducing it to “an annual observance of an unconvinced pious act”
… claiming to be doing acts of piety - but perhaps, with selfish motives or as “popularity stunts”

Are we really re-charging ourselves?
… or are recharging the many “gadgets” of our self-will?

The Gospel of the Day is a teaching by Jesus on the prime importance of restoring the “true intention in the acts of praying, fasting and almsgiving”…
… with a need to put on the vestment of humility and sincerity!

The Gospel Passage - Mt 6: 1-6, 16-18 – presents to us Jesus speaking of the three core practices that were essential pious practices of His time: ALMSGIVING, PRAYER and FASTING (PENANCE).

He invites us to perform these acts of piety with a “holy and sincere devotion”

With respect to almsgiving, Jesus says…
… "sound no trumpet" (Mt 6:2)

With respect to prayer, Jesus says…
… "shut the door and pray to your Father" (Mt 6:6)

With respect to fasting, Jesus says…
…"anoint your head and wash your face" (Mt 6:17)

It is interesting to note that these 3 practices refers to 3 dimensions of Love:
… towards God
… towards others
… towards oneself

Prayer: Reminding ourselves to grow in the Immensity of God’s Love
Almsgiving: Reviving our basic duty of caring and being responsible to one another
Fasting: Rediscovering the worthiness of our lives and commit to grow in holiness
It’s high time we move from “prayering” – merely reciting words…
… to praying - words of love that arise from the heart!

It’s high time we move from “announcements” - throwing words of charity into the air…
… to almsgiving – charity that flows from the generosity of one’s heart!

It’s high time we move from “feasting” – indulging in self-pleasure…
… to fasting – self-discipline to help one to regulate one’s life!

Yes… we are called to give greater attention to “return to the basics”…
… restoring the “true intention in all our activities!”

Can we stop making our acts of piety as merely self-serving ploys?

Shall we do away with the “gadgets of our self-wills”
… and begin to really re-charge ourselves with doing God’s Will?”

God Bless! Live Jesus!