Catholic Diocese Malindi

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“Being united with the Sacred Heart of the Lord- renewing our consecration this day to Him and persevering to live love – in purity, faithfulness and truth!”

(Based on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus)

There was an elderly Christian lady who was extremely popular with the kids, due to her kind and simple way of talking.

Once, while interacting with them, she asked: “Do you know, kids, that there is a big difference between the Divine attitude and the human attitude!”

And she went on to say:

“The Divine attitude is to ‘give give, give and forgive!”
“The human attitude is usually ‘get, get, get and forget!”

This is indeed so true! God always loves to give and forgive

We, however, often tend to only get, and then finally, we forget!

True love, by its nature, moves out of oneself…
… and gives in total self-giving to the other… to the one who is loved!

Are we ready to make a journey towards having this Divine attitude of self-giving?

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus – in which is displayed the greatest expression of Love…
… a God who madly loves humanity and gave Himself up, in entirety for us, Whom He loves!

Love is one of the most used words in any language.

There is much literature available in any language on Love – poetry, novels, short stories, dramas, epics…

But Love is also one of the most misinterpreted, misunderstood & misused words.

The word ‘love” in our modern world, is highly commercialized & sensationalized, and very often, ends up losing its real meaning.

It’s in this context, that today we celebrate the Feast of Love – symbolized in the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus!

The Sacred Heart of Jesus shows us what is True Love!

Love is not just a passing and fleeting dimension of feelings or words or emotions or sentiments…

Love, affects our core!

Love, as expressed in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, is Merciful, Sacrificial and all-embracing.

1; The Sacred Heart of Jesus – a Merciful Heart
The Lord condemns sins, but loves the sinner!
There is hope for the worst sinner and acceptance for the fallen saint!
Love is indeed merciful!

2: The Sacred Heart of Jesus – a Sacrificial Heart
The Heart of the Divine Lord was pierced for love of us.
Though He knows we are sinners and we are betrayers…
… yet, the Love of the Lord knows no bounds.
He sacrifices Himself, for us.
He died, that we may live.
He wounded Himself, that we may be healed!

Love is indeed sacrificial!

3: The Sacred Heart of Jesus – an all-embracing Heart
The world indulges in the categorization of people based on class, status, caste, language etc…
The Sacred Heart of Jesus, destroys all such pitiable discriminations and inhuman inequity, by expressing love to all!
There is light and love and joy and peace to ALL people!

Love is indeed all-embracing!

The Feast of the Sacred Heart is a reminder and a challenge to each one of
us to possess this Heart… His Heart… The Sacred Heart!

Is my Heart…
… Merciful? … Sacrificial? … all-embracing?

We live in times when heart diseases and ailments are on the rise…

Physically: Heart attacks, holes in the heart, congestive heart failures, narrowing of the arteries…
Emotionally: Broken hearts, fearful hearts, anxious hearts, discouraged hearts, lonely hearts, rejected hearts…
Spiritually: Unforgiving hearts, sinful hearts, unrepentant hearts, lukewarm hearts, lustful hearts, unfaithful hearts…

We all, possess one or more aspects of these hearts.

Perhaps, we need a ‘spiritual heart surgery’
… a change of heart – to be more like the Heart of Jesus!
In Ezekiel 36:26, the Lord says, “A new heart I will give you…”

Jesus, the Lover of our hearts, today, invites us, to look into His Sacred Heart, and find rest and consolation: “Come to me, all you who labour, and I will give you rest!”

Let us seek to unite our hearts, in whichever state it be…
… to the Sacred Heart of our Lord!

The Sacred Heart is burning with love for each of us!

The Love of Jesus gives, forgives, outlives;
And ever stands with open hands;
And while it lives, it gives,

For this His love’s prerogative
To give, and give, and give!

Let us cast ourselves, into this Burning Furnace of Love, and be filled with a Deeper Passion and Zeal for the Lord!

Love is, indeed, a powerful word…
… but it is our duty to preserve its purity!

Let us be united with the Sacred Heart of the Lord…
… renew our consecration this day to Him…
… and persevere to live love – in purity, faithfulness and truth!



Happy Feast to Jesus, our Beloved…
… and Happy Feast to all of us, His lovers!

God Bless! Live Jesus!