Catholic Diocese Malindi

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REFLECTION CAPSULE – July 16, 2023: Sunday

“Growing in the experience of the Power of the Word – to work in unexpected ways, to transform in unknown places and to bear fruits in unexplored areas!”

(Based on Isa 55:10-11, Rom 8:18-23 and Mt 13:1-23 – 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A)

A devout woman, once bought a Bible in her native language.

She was very much afraid of her husband who was deadly against God and sent forth atheistic vibrations.

In fear, she would read the Bible in his absence, and would stealthily hide it away from his presence and sight.

One day, however, by mistake, she failed to hide the Holy Book, and her husband saw it on the table.

Without saying anything, the husband opened the pages of the Bible, scanned through some and read a few lines.

As the wife stood, a little away – stunned and trembling- not knowing what he would tell her, the husband said:
“Hmmm… This seems to be a good book!”

And it so happened, that every night, the man demanded for That Book when he returned back from office.

A few weeks later, the man suggested his wife that he wished to meet her parents, as for nearly 3 years, he had stayed away from them.

A tremendous and miraculous wonder had taken place.

A woman’s persistent faith had been rewarded…
A man’s heart had been finely melted …
A relationship had been restored…

That’s the power of the Word!

The Word can work in unexpected ways…
The Word can transform in unknown places…
The Word can bear fruits in unexplored areas…

Are we ready to Sow the Word, everywhere, any time?

Are we open to allow the Word to work, anywhere, any time?

The Gospel of the Day is the classic presentation of the power of the Word through the Parable of the Sower and its explanation.

This is a parable that, probably we have read, reflected and meditated several times.

One of the striking messages of this Popular Parable is the “unknown, unexpected and unexplored” manner in which the Word is Sown.

Going through the various places in which the Seed was sown would probably make one to say…
… “Why was it that so much Seed was simply wasted – on the wayside, on the rock, among the thorns – places where there was hardly any possibility of growth?”
… “Why was it that the Sower was so unscientific, so lacking in common sense and so careless in simply broadcasting the precious seeds haphazardly?”

Probably, a logical answer and a reasonable explanation to these questions is to be found in the fact that the Seed has a tremendous power and potential.

And therefore, the Sower ‘takes the risk’ of broadcasting the Seed everywhere.

This then is the challenge that is thrown open to us also…

Can I be a person who is willing to “broadcast” the seed of God’s Word even in the most unfavourable or the most unexpected areas – to people who are hostile, arrogant or even closed?

Can I be a person who does not count the fruits in advance or get discouraged and disappointed at the possible failures in the future; instead boldly sow the Seeds of goodness, kindness and service?

The Sower in the parable has a stand out quality…
… He is lavish in His generosity
… extravagant in His big-heartedness
… and sumptuous in His Kindness!

Though seasoned in His profession of sowing the Seeds, the Sower, bountifully, broadcasts the Seeds on all sorts of soil…

Look closer….

He doesn’t make an account of the number of seeds lost…
He doesn’t tally the wastage that will be incurred…
He doesn’t bill the produce that will result…

He just does one thing… HE SOWS!

How many of us can be like that?

Do we sow good deeds…
… when a loss is bound to happen as per human calculations?

Do we sow honesty and truthfulness…
… even if birds of injustice devour all our good intentions?

Do we sow good initiatives…
… even if there is no reward and all our endeavours are being choked?

Do we sow a kind word…
… even if we know that bad words will scorch our pure purpose?

Do we sow a loving action…
… even though the reaction is always tepid and cold and even adverse?

Do we sow help and co-operation…
… in spite of the fact that no one will appreciate our good works?

Do we sow a forgiving smile & a reconciling gesture…
… though we’re deeply hurt and even wounded?

Do we sow an attitude of deep trust & confidence…
… although things are totally topsy-turvy in life?

The Sower, in the Parable, however, continues to Sow…..

The book of Isaiah 55: 11 says, “… My Word that goes out from My Mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

We need to submit ourselves to this mysterious power and strength of God’s Power…
… and be willing to “sow them” generously…
… to all
… at all times!

St Paul reminds us that the Lord is in total charge of the world and we need to place our hope and trust in His Omnipotent power…
… “for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the Will of Him who subjected it in hope…” (Rom 8:20)

Let us grow in the experience of the Power of the Word…
… to work in unexpected ways
… to transform in unknown places
… and to bear fruits in unexplored areas

Today – July 16 – is also the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

On this day in 1251, according to Carmelite traditions, the scapular was given by the Blessed Virgin to St. Simon Stock.

The Scapular (from Latin scapulae, “shoulders”) – is a sign…
… of our belonging to Mary
… and pledge of her maternal protection in this life and the next.

It is also a sign of couple of other elements:

A consecration to, and trusting in Mary
A declaration to imitate Our Lady’s virtues, especially Her humility, chastity, and prayerfulness.

Let us seek the intercession of our Blessed Mother of Mt Carmel, in our struggles and hardships of life…
… and may the Sacramental of the Scapular be a sign for us to publicly declare our Love for Christ!

Let us hold Mamma’s hands…
… as She inspires, helps, challenges and intercedes for us!

Happy Feast of our Blessed Mother of Carmel!

God Bless! Live Jesus!