Catholic Diocese Malindi

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*Friday 17th May 2024 Daily Reflection and Meditation*
_"Simon, son of John, do you love me? [...] tend my sheep"_
*Good morning!*
It is Friday loiking firwars to the refreshing and re-energizing weekend. We thank God for loving us, protecting and guiding us through out the week. Yes, he has loved us. Do we also recommit to love him?

Christian calling demands bruise and bloodshed, not the blood of the other, but one's own blood. This is because it demands walking in the footsteps of the leader Jesus. It is only when we stoop to serve, when we resign to wash another's feet, that the first brick of the Kingdom of God is laid. Let us try to lay more bricks of the Kingdom by washing each other's feet, for in this way, we prove our love to Christ.
*Have a blessed Friday*
*Commitment,Mission and Sacrifice: Do you love me? Tend my sheep*
_“Amen, amen, I say to you, when you were younger, you used to dress yourself and go where you wanted; but when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” He said this signifying by what kind of death he would glorify God. And when he had said this, he said to him, “Follow me.” John 21:18–19_
*Readings: Acts 25: 13-21. John 21:15-19*
In today's Gospel, we witness a profound moment between Jesus and Peter, a moment that is both a reinstatement and a commissioning.
*1. The Setting of Reconciliation:*
The passage opens with Jesus asking Peter three times, "Do you love me?" This threefold question mirrors Peter's threefold denial of Jesus before the crucifixion. Each question and Peter's affirmative response provide an opportunity for reconciliation and restoration. Jesus is not merely seeking affirmation of love but is healing the wound of betrayal and reaffirming Peter's place in His mission. This shows us that no matter how we may have failed, Jesus is always ready to forgive and restore us.

*2. Love and Responsibility:*
Jesus follows each of Peter's affirmations with a command: "Feed my lambs," "Tend my sheep," and "Feed my sheep." This indicates that true love for Jesus is not just an emotional response but is demonstrated through action. Peter is entrusted with the care of Jesus' followers, highlighting the link between love and responsibility. For us, this means that our love for Christ should be evident in how we care for others, especially those in need, and how we lead them in faith.

*3. The Call to Follow:*
Jesus concludes this encounter with a prediction of Peter's martyrdom and the call to "Follow me." This is a stark reminder that discipleship involves sacrifice and sometimes suffering. Following Jesus is not a path of comfort but one of commitment and sometimes carrying our own cross. However, it is also a path that leads to eternal life and ultimate fulfillment.

*4. Personal Reflection:*
Let us reflect on our own lives in light of this passage. How do we respond to Jesus' question, "Do you love me?" Is our love for Him reflected in our daily actions and our care for others? Are we willing to follow Him even when the path is difficult?

Jesus' interaction with Peter shows us that even when we stumble, we can return to Him, find forgiveness, and be entrusted with His mission. Our love for Christ should move us to serve others selflessly, to feed His lambs, and tend His sheep. This is how we show our love in action and follow Him faithfully.

In this beautiful and poignant passage, we see Jesus' boundless mercy, the depth of His love, and the calling He places on each of us. Let us embrace this call with a renewed commitment to love and serve, knowing that even in our weaknesses, Christ’s grace is sufficient to restore and empower us for His mission.

May this reflection inspire you to deepen your love for Christ and to live out that love in service to others. Amen.
*Have a blessed Friday*

_Rev Fr Francis Wambua, SJ_
*Jesuits in South Sudan*